
What level did you choose to challenge yourself with today? I chose to work with a level 5.
Did you successfully achieve that level? I think I have achieved that level because I used the step by step guide to draw most of an eye's features to a good standard.
What grade would you award yourself and why? I would give myself a 4 or 5 because i feel i could've added more detail to the shading and the overall guideline.

Have you followed the tutorial process? I followed the tutorial process and achieved a mediocore outcome.
Have you listened and observed each steps successfully? How?
I listened and observed every step successfully by drawing the eye while reading and following the instructions.

Is there lots of detail in your eye drawing? Where?
There isn't much detail in this drawing as there should be, which is something I will work on next time.

What shading techniques did you apply to your outcome?
I used contour shading to give life to the iris and eyeball. 

What problems did you encounter?
 How did you overcome them? What could you do to improve your drawing outcome? What would you do differently and why?
One problem I encountered was making the guidlines. My hands were very shaky and I wasn't able to make it perfect. I overcome this by retrying it every-time to get it perfect.


  1. great work
    good shape and scale applied

    keep practicing your shading - applying a gradual shade by applying shadows


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